Friday, December 7, 2007 

Seven Steps to Good Mental Health

Psychological well-being is something that we all have a right to. However, for a variety of reasons to do with upbringing, life experiences, physiology, environment and so on??we often find ourselves with a mind-state other than what we desire. Depression, anxiety, and stress seem to be the major obstacles to just feeling good ??judging by the number of visits to doctors for help with these problems.

It doesn't really matter what the label is for your particular problem, if you follow the seven steps diligently, there will be an improvement in your general feeling of well being.

The Seven Steps are:

1. Acceptance
2. Releasing guilt
3. Expressing Appreciation
4. Physical exercise
5. Creative activity
6. Right livelihood
7. Meditation

They need to be taken in sequence. Total mastery is not required, but the time to move on is when you feel, or get a sense, that some movement has taken place within your mind. Psychological shifts are felt with a lightness, better sleep, smiling, singing, noticing beauty around you, wanting to do something different, spring cleaning??/p>


Acceptance is the single most important step to take. Acceptance is giving up being a victim. Acceptance is giving up giving up. Acceptance is a declaration of intent to move forward with life rather than continue to stagnate and blame circumstances or individuals for how things are.

Acceptance is the shift towards accepting that whatever is going on in your life is your responsibility. It is recognising that you are where you are because of the choices you have made in life. And if this means that you have to accept the crazy idea that you made a choice to suffer from a physical illness, then you do just that ??accept it. Acceptance is no longer fighting. Once you no longer fight, you no longer resist. Once you no longer resist you can move with the flow.

Every single thing, big or small, good or bad, you simply say to yourself "I accept that this is going on for me right now". You don't have to like it. You don't have to keep it forever. You just have to accept it in the present moment if it's there.

The truth is that it's there whether or not you accept it. So by accepting you are not making things worse, because you've already got it. You are just changing your position in relation to it.

Accept also that the thinking that got you where you are is unlikely to get you out - otherwise it would have already done so. You need to think differently. Acceptance is thinking differently. Acceptance is approaching the problem with wisdom. If you are so frightened you can't go outside without a companion, and even then you are terrified, then just accept that that's the way you are right now. You don't have to understand why you are like that, you just need to acknowledge it. "I am too frightened to go out right now, so I'll stay in"; "I'm really worried about my new boss right now, but that's okay, worry is a natural event in the face of difficult circumstances"; "I feel really depressed, but that's okay, it's just my mind's way of preparing me for change". You can always find something to say to yourself that is accepting.

Releasing Guilt:

Guilt is something we are taught to experience. It is unnatural. Guilt can be experienced in the form: I did something I shouldn't have done and now I feel bad; or I didn't do something I should have done and now I feel bad; either way this is a self-created guilt. Or it can be induced "you should feel bad because?? when you behaved in a way that someone disapproved of; or in the form "well I was planning on going out tonight and I almost never go out with my mates and you go out all the time, but if you really want to go out, then I'll stay in??don't think there's much on telly??.

Whatever you did or didn't do is done or not done. Feeling bad about it can't undo it. This style of guilt is a belief in a Time Machine. It is engaging in fantasy. What is in the past is in the past. Either own up and take the consequences, or don't. Choose which it is to be and then consign the experience to the past where it belongs and shift your attention to the present moment.

Emotional blackmail is the other way guilt is commonly experienced. Just stop playing that game. If you accept responsibility for your own feelings, then you must allow others to do the same. Do what you want to do and as long as you are not physically or psychologically harming others then that's ok. Someone sulking because you are having more fun than them won't do them any harm. When you give in to emotional blackmail you are effectively walking round with a big sign on your back saying ??Abuse me, I don't mind.

Expressing Appreciation:

This is one of the most difficult steps to master, so remember mastery is not the goal. The real problem with expressing appreciation is that many people feel uncomfortable when appreciation is expressed for something they have done "it was nothing", "don't mention it", "anyone would have done it".

Let's say you decide to buy a gift for someone you love (not a sexual partner, a friend) just so they know how important they are in your life. You spend a lot of time choosing the gift. You wrap it beautifully and present it to them. They take one look and hand it back. How would you feel? Most people would feel at least a little hurt.

Appreciation is a gift.

Appreciation is a gift of love.

When someone does something for you that you like ??let them know. Write an e-mail, send a letter, give a bigger tip, say something more than the ritual "thank you" - "thank you that was nice", "I really enjoyed??, "you are very thoughtful"??/p>

Money is a wonderful way to express appreciation. Buy from those whom you appreciate. Send donations. Offer payment where none is expected.

And as you start to express appreciation more and more in your life you will find one day that when someone offers that gift of appreciation to you, you will not reject it you will accept it with "thanks, that's really nice of you to say".

Physical Exercise:

However much exercise you get you can always increase it. There is much truth in the old adage - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Exercise is the expression of appreciation for your beautiful body. Your body is such a miraculous creation ??so complex, so incredibly amazing ??that it would be a rejection at the deepest level for you to ignore its physical well-being. It doesn't matter how unfit you are. You can always exercise more than you are doing. Exercise releases endorphins. You feel better after exercise. The benefits are cumulative. It provides more oxygen to the brain, creates more alertness, awakens the immune system and so makes it easier to fight pathogens. But most of all it establishes a discipline and routine that is frequently lacking when mental health is poor. This change alone will improve the situation. Should you have any physical health problems then seek your doctor's advice about exercise.

Creative Activity:

Everyone is a creative being. Stifling our creative outlet leads to poor mental health Our creativity is frequently stifled long before we realise what is happening, and then it seems too late because we believe what we have been told about ourselves. Creativity is about expressing yourself in the world. If you create a simple, badly written story with atrocious spelling and poor grammar, then you have expressed yourself creatively. Your creative works don't have to be seen by others. Others tend to judge, and if you decide to create in an area where others have much greater expertise then your creation will not initially withstand comparison. But that doesn?t mean you shouldn't do it.

Photography and gardening have been loves of mine since I was 14. I decided to combine the two interests and my photographs developed a distinctly horticultural slant. At one point I wanted to share them with the world and offered them for sale. It was a while before I made my first sale, and another while before one of my pictures adorned the cover of a magazine. One day I looked back at those first photographs I offered. I felt embarrassed at the poor quality ??compared to my later work. But it was only by taking more and more pictures, looking at what was being published, and constantly improving that I achieved my dream of a picture on a magazine cover. But the important thing was that I enjoyed what I was doing. I didn't have to show them to the world. I didn't have to place them in the market for comparison with others who had much greater skill and experience than I. But I did need to take the pictures. It was part of who I was and how I needed to express myself. My pleasure came from the picture taking, looking at the pictures, and constantly seeking ways to become more skilled at my craft.

Express yourself in something that you love to do. Show it only if you want to, but don't stop doing it while you love what you do.

Right Livelihood:

In a way this follows on from the previous step. It is the logical consequence of expressing yourself through what you love to do.

Now lest you are becoming concerned that I might ask you to do something you can't do ??like find another job ??I never ask anyone to do what they can't do. I might, however, ask you to ask yourself what exactly is it that is stopping you from doing it. At least that way you can move towards an acceptance of the barrier to happiness.

From time to time I ask the people I encounter "If you could be doing anything you wanted to do, would you choose your current livelihood?". I've yet to meet someone who answered 'yes' to that question. Those people are out there. They just don't need to come to see me.

People tend to either hate what they do, but it's all they can get in the way of work; or their work is okay, but they are earning too much money to give it up and do something fun for a living.

Look to how you feel when you get up in the morning on a workday. Is there any excitement or sense of anticipation or looking forward to the challenges of the day ahead? This is a good sign. If there is dread, a wishing for the day to be over, tiredness, or a general lack of enthusiasm ??then something needs to change, either the work or the attitude towards it.

Go back to step one and accept whatever it is you are engaged in right now. Accept that you would like to be doing something more fun but that you don't know how to bring about the change, or you are fearful of taking the necessary steps. That's all. As best you can find small pleasures in what you do ??even if it's just the appreciation for how the income makes life better than life would be without that income; or appreciation for the good feeling that comes from making a contribution that benefits someone, somewhere.

And then make a list of all the things you love to do. And then write a fantasy job description for an income-generating job doing each of the things on your list.

Then find a way to do one of the things you love to do for free.


Meditation is a mind/body regenerating exercise. Aim initially for 10 minutes once a day at a regular time and place. If you have such a busy schedule that you haven't got 10 minutes to spare then I'll tell you how you can create 10 minutes out of nothing. But I know you won't do it, because "I haven't got time for 10 minutes meditation every day" is just an excuse to avoid coming face to face with yourself.

There are plenty of books and articles on meditation so I won't go into the technique here. But I would also like you to consider that in part I am suggesting quiet space for you to relax and let go of the busy-ness in your mind for a few minutes on a daily basis. This is a regenerating activity.

It is essential.

It is rejuvenating.

It is the most difficult step, and therefore, it has the capacity to bring about the greatest sense of achievment.

??and if you really want to know how to get the free 10 minutes then you'll have to e-mail me.

Michael J. Hadfield MBSCH is a registered clinical hypnotherapist. You can experience his unique style on a popular range of hypnosis CD's and tapes at Here you can also obtain treatment for a variety of problems and explore his approach to health, healing, and hypnosis.

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How to Get Affordable Health Insurance in Oklahoma

If you?re a woman living in Oklahoma, you?ll be happy to know that your health insurance company is legally required to pay for a mammogram if you are over a specific age. Cancer is a concern of many individuals and therefore finding an affordable health insurance plan in Oklahoma is important regardless of your gender.

Generally healthy individuals often turn to catastrophic health insurance plans as a means to save money. These plans can be ideal for certain individuals including those who don?t visit a doctor very often. The premise of a catastrophic health insurance plan is simple. You have to pay out of pocket for everyday expenses such as prescriptions and x-rays, but if you do face a health crisis like cancer or hospitalization, you?ll be covered. The premiums for coverage like this are generally very low, but expect high deductibles.

You can also find a more affordable rate if you choose a health insurance policy that doesn?t cover certain illnesses. If you don?t have a family history of any of the illnesses that aren?t included, you may feel comfortable taking out a policy like this. For individuals who are still relatively young and in great health, this is a good way to save money.

Before you decide on any company be certain that you?ve contacted a few to get quotes. You may be surprised at how much prices can actually vary and since insurance is such a competitive market, this actually works in your favor. Never agree to any health insurance policy without first having a clear picture of what your coverage entails as well as what the claims process involves. Some insurance companies can take weeks to pay out on claims while others require that many expenses be first pre-approved or coverage will be voided. Ask many questions before you make any final decisions so you can be certain you are choosing the best policy for you and your family.

My recommended sites here:

Affordable Health Insurance in Oklahoma
Instant Medical Insurance Quotes

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Home Health Care Product Makes Your Life Easy

Health care industry is not restricted to the hospitals and medical supplies but has widened its horizon incorporating home services as well. Home health care product and services feature are an important component of this industry. Health care basically signifies a wide range of health care services along with social services that can be provided at home for invalids and chronically ill people who need a lot of nursing and therapeutic treatments.

There are many companies that have introduced products for home use like diabetic supplies that include blood sugar checking apparatus, wound care equipments, home safety products like safety railings, handles, portable oxygen concentrators. Other than that hospital beds, pressure pads, IV poles, canes, walkers and crutches are also commonly available.

Other health care products are baby safety products like monitors and alarms, cribs and other related products that give you the peace of mind that everything is safe at home. People who are old, invalid and need assistance are the right candidates for buying home care products. Walkers, crutches, specially modified commodes, canes and arm slings are common products that are bought by the majority of individuals depending on the home care need. Other than that there are services of sending out nurses, therapists and health care specialists who provide a strong backup force for looking after the patients who are recuperating at home.

The home health care product has been tried, tested and meet FDA standards with the services of trained and efficient staff that can be called on need basis. Portable oxygen and other respiratory equipment can be rented from good health care equipment suppliers depending upon the requirement or as prescribed by the hospital. The home care services that can be availed on demand include trained nurses who can administer infusion and pharmacy services at home, give medication

When you are not at home and generally look after the patient. There are many products available that can be installed at home like safety lights, railings, handles, bathroom/kitchen safety products. Some of the home health care services include looking after the elderly and disabled people who are living alone and need help on a daily basis. These facilities include light housekeeping, shopping, supervision of the elderly and companionship. Medical needs and emergencies are also supervised by them.

Anita Choudhary has been freelancing and writing for over 4 years and can be contacted at for any kind of writing assignments.

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The Benefits of Flax Seed Oil

Flax seed oil (oil cold pressed from the seeds of the flax plant) is now being marketed as a dietary supplement with many claimed benefits. What are these benefits, and where can flax seed oil be obtained? At the bottom of this article we will show you where you can get flax seed oil online, but first, why is flax seed oil meant to be good for you?

As it includes omega-3 fatty acids, flax seed oil is meant to give all the benefits associated with those, including a reduction in the risk of heart disease. As most dietary supplements which contain omega-3 are actually derived from fish, flax seed oil offers a source which is suitable for vegetarians or those concerned about unsustainable fishing practices, or the heavy metal content of fish from polluted water. Other known and published benefits from scientific studies of omega-3 include improved memory and cognitive function and anti-inflammatory (anti-arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease) properties. There is also some evidence that it can lower blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension.

The omega-3 family of fatty acids includes alpha-linolenic acid (known as ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (known as EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (known as DHA). The body needs all three of these. ALA is seen as the most important, because the human body can synthesise the others from it.

More than half of flax seed oil by weight consists of EPA, so one of the benefits of flax seed oil is that your body's requirement of omega-3 is well covered. (Other good non-fish sources of omega-3 include kiwifruit, cowberry or lingonberry, assai palm fruit, and purslane.)

One of the main issues with the typical Western diet which has recently been identified by nutritionists is the imbalance between the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. (Omega-6 sources include cereals, vegetable oils, eggs and poultry.) While the ideal balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 in the diet is about 4:1, a typical Western diet would be about 20:1. This imbalance is believed to be one of the causes of the increase in inflammatory diseases, in recent decades, despite generally better medical care. Omega-3 taken via flax seed oil may help to restore the balance.

In addition, flax seed oil also contains substances called lignans, which may help to prevent cancer, though research here is not conclusive.

After purchasing flax seed oil, you should be aware that has a short shelf life if not refrigerated, and it should be protected from light. It is available in liquid form or as capsules.

Now take action! Where can flax seed oil be purchased online, you want to know? Check our flax seed oil page for the most reliable suppliers with all types of flax seed oil products.

Barbara Eastcairn writes about health and alternative health issues of all kinds.

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Remedies For Yeast Infection - Medicines And Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are very common. It's estimated that 1 in three women has had a yeast infection before. The cause of yeast infections is a fungus which is called Candida Albicans. Everybody has this fungus in their body but when given the right conditions it can grow and start causing problems such as infections.

There are many factors that can contribute to vaginal yeast infections. Some of these factors include:

- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- The use of Birth Control Pills (use oral contraceptives)
- Use of antibiotics
- Use of steroids

The use of antibiotics is probably one of the biggest factors in the development of a yeast infection.

The good news is that there are a number of remedies that you can use to treat yeast infections. Some of these remedies can be found in your home.

Always consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis if you suspect that you have a yeast infection. This is always recommended because yeast infections can easily be confused with other conditions such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and non infectious vaginitis. Trichomoniasis is considered a sexually transmitted disease. After your doctor has made the diagnosis of a vaginal yeast infection, he can prescribe a medicine to treat it. One of the medicines which is often prescribed is Diflucan. Diflucan has been proven to be very effective when treating yeast infections.

Some people choose to use over the counter medicines such as creams and suppositories which are widely available from the pharmacy. They are often referred to as anti-fungal creams and suppositories. Some of the best well known names and brands include Monistat and Vagistat. There are other generic brands similar to these that are also available from most stores.

There are also some natural remedies for yeast infection that you can use. One of the most popular remedies is yogurt! Many research findings have confirmed that women who often eat yogurt on a daily basis or regularly tend to have very few occurrences of yeast infection. This is because yogurt contains Lactobacillus cultures which help to fight the fungus that causes vaginal yeast infections. Another natural cure that has been used to cure yeast infections garlic. There are a number of guides and e-books that have been written on how to cure yeast infections naturally. These can be found online by conducting a search on any major search engine.

Yeast infections can be annoying, but with proper treatment using remedies or medicines, you can be back to normal in no time.

If you're looking for a safe, fast, effective and all-natural cure for yeast infections, Click here for a comprehensive list of websites that we recommend. Also, visit the How To Cure Yeast Infections website for tips, advice and information.

Copyright Katie Johnson

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