Saturday, November 10, 2007 

Flea Prevention

Fleas, they are not only annoying to your pets they are extremely annoying for you and your family. One flea can quickly multiply and infest your house, yard, furniture and life. One female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day. Generally speaking if you see one flea there are at least ten more that you don't.

Fleas are very small in size and can live on your pets, in your house and on you. They can bite up to 400 times in a single day. You cannot kill a flea by simply swatting it they are tiny and jump. They are hard to catch by hand and would be impossible to control via this method. Fleas not only can carry and infect you pet with tapeworms but can also cause anemia. Flea bits on your pets cause rashes and allergic dermatitis, which can lead to hair loss and severe skin conditions.

Fleas must be dealt with immediately when present. They should be taken seriously or you will experience a serious infestation of them in a very short amount of time. A three-pronged approach is the best way to eliminate them. Outdoor treatment along with an indoor treatment of your house and the treatment of your pet for fleas will pretty much stop them in their tracks.

One thing to remember about fleas is the fact that they really do not like a sun drenched clean dry environment outdoors. As with anything you have choices when deciding how to treat your yard and lawn for fleas. Be sure to research the pros and cons of toxic chemicals and natural treatments. You can get advice on how to treat you home for fleas from you local vet in addition your vet can advise you on the best treatments for your pets. There are several choices available for treating your pets from flea collars (which really only work before you get fleas), shampoos, dips and medications that sterilize the eggs thus stopping reproduction.

At the beginning of flea season is the best time for preventive measures to be taken. Apply a treatment to your yards and lawns, clean your pets sleeping areas in your house and put flea collars on your pets. If flea collars are not for you there are a number of topical applications that work wonderful and with great success. Avoid an annoying and frustrating infestation of fleas and take preventative measures first.

Sophie Beck writes consumer information articles for

For more information on fleas and how to control them please visit:

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